Sessões Plenárias
Plenária 1 Strong maximum principle for singular solutions of elliptic equations and related topics Yan Yan Li - Rutgers University (USA) Resumo: We present some strong maximum principles for singular solutions of elliptic or degenerate elliptic equations of second order. We will also present some results on removable singularities of viscosity solutions of elliptic or degenerate elliptic equations of second order. These are joint works with Luis Caffarelli and Louis Nirenberg. Plenária 2 Regularidade analítica e Gevrey para certos operadores elípticos degenerados ("operadores somas de quadrados") Paulo Cordaro - USP Resumo: Nesta palestra apresentarei uma descrição do problema da regularidade analítica e Gevrey das soluções para certos operadores diferenciais pertences à chamada "classe de Hörmander". Além dos aspectos históricos, descreverei trabalho recente, elaborado em colaboração com N. Hanges (Lehman College-CUNY), onde novas técnicas para a abordagem do problema são introduzidas. Plenária 3 Remarks on the theory of the (extended) divergence-measure fields Hermano Frid - IMPA Resumo: In this talk we will review the basic results about the $\R^n$-valued measures whose distributional divergence is also a measure, the so called (extended) divergence-measure fields as introduced by Chen and Frid (2003) with improvements made by Silhavy (2008). We will also discuss its main application to the Euler equations. Plenária 4 Some inverse problems in elastography Enrique Fernández-Cara - Univ. of Sevilla (Spain) Resumo: This talk is devoted to present some inverse problems arising in Elastography, where we intend to identify the properties of a material from forcing and observation. This is the basis of very eficient methods to detect tumors (usually, a tumor tissue is 5 to 28 times stier than normal soft tissue; consequently the resulting deformation after a mechanical action is smaller). In mathematical terms, what we have to do is to find the solution of a wave-like equation where the coeficients are unknown by prescribing initial data and, also, Dirichlet and Neumann boundary data simultaneously. The search of a solution will be formulated as a (non-convex) extremal problem. Several diferent situations will be considered, according to the degree of simplicity of the model and the severity of the constraints. In some particular (simplied but realistic) cases, the existence of a solution will be obtained.It relies on elliptic regularity and a nonlinear interpolation result by L. Tartar. The results have been obtained in collaboration with F. Mestre, from the University of Sevilla. Plenária 5 Wave and heat processes: some connections Enrique Zuazua - Basque Center for Applied Math (Spain) Resumo: PDF Plenária 6 A modified formulation of statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in trajectory space Ricardo Rosa - UFRJ Resumo: Turbulent flows appear in many different phenomena and is of fundamental importance in science and technology. Great part of the classical theory of turbulence, however, is based on heuristic arguments and empirical information. The statistical theory of turbulence aims towards a rigorous foundation for the classical theory. In this talk the main object is a new formulation of statistical solution but since this is a not so well known concept, time will be taken to motivate the definition of statistical solution for treating turbulent flows and illustrate some applications of the theory describing a few rigorous results obtained with it. Plenária 7 Singular solutions of fully nonlinear equations in cones Boyan Sirakov - Université de Paris Ouest (França) Resumo: PDF Plenária 8 On some models of epitaxial growth Irineo Peral - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) Resumo: PDF Plenária 9 Differential operators and their discretizations: finite and infinite dimensional topology. Carlos Tomei - PUC-RJ Resumo: Analysts know that topological invariants have to be handled differently in finite and infinite dimensions. The greater flexibility in infinite dimensional spaces is a useful tool for the description of the level sets of natural maps, such as the set of potentials of a Sturm-Liouville operator with a zero eigenvalue, or the set of (periodic) potentials with a given monodromy. On the other hand, numerical analysis leads to the study of finite dimensional discretizations. The topology of a map obtained by discretizing a semilinear elliptic operator is considered in detail: it is much more complicated than its continuous counterpart. Plenária 10 Dynamically gradient dynamical systems under perturbations Alexandre Carvalho - USP-SC Resumo: PDF
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João Pessoa - PB 22 a 26 de agosto de 2011
IV EBED - Escola Brasileira de Equações Diferenciais

IV EBED - DM-UFPB 22 a 26 de agosto de 2011